Currently a Master of Design, Digital Futures student @OCAD, Toronto.

Learning Unity, Processing, P5.Js, Html & CSS, Arduino!

Practicing Interactive Design, Game Design, Digital Futures Theory, Speculative Design, and Creative Computing.

Loving all things game, all things design, 3D World Building, VR, AR, Web Design, Immersive Experiences, Physical Installations, Product Development, Self Guided Learning Tech!

Also, a Teaching Assistant & Tutorial Leader @OCAD, Toronto.

1004-VISC Contemporary Art & Design taught by Prof Charles Reeve.

1002-VISC Global Visual & Material Culture: 19th Century to Present taught by Prof Dr Andrew Gayed.

Formerly ******a UX Researcher @Passion Punch, Istanbul.

@Passion Punch, I did UX for web3 mobile casual games.

Learned and loved all things web3, all things mobile and casual gaming.

Worked in a scrum development cycle, for a finance-game project in live ops soft launch era.

A Bachelor of Arts of Design graduate from @NABA Milano.

@NABA Milano, I did interior, product and architectural design.

A true nerd about all things design; I have interest in storytelling, photography, history, knitting and architecture, among other things.

I would be glad to get to know and chat! Feel free to write me through Linkedin or my email (stated in my CV).